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Vaden, KI, Neely, ST, Harris, SE, Dubno, JR (2024).
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Vaden, KI, Gebregziabher, M, Eckert, MA. (2020).
Fully synthetic neuroimaging data for replication and exploration.
Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Virtual format.
Vaden, KI, Teubner-Rhodes, S, Ahlstrom, JB, Dubno, JR, Eckert, MA. (2018).
Cortical activity and incidental memory for speech in noise.
Association for Research in Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Vaden, KI, Eckert, MA, Dubno, JR, Harris, KC. (2017).
Adaptive control for gap detection across the lifespan.
Seventh Biennial Aging and Speech Communication Conference, Tampa, FL.
Vaden, KI, Eckert, MA, Matthews, LJ, Dubno, JR. (2016).
Metabolic presbyacusis: longitudinal changes in hearing for middle-aged and older adults.
Association for Research in Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Vaden, KI, Teubner-Rhodes, SE, Ahlstrom, JB, Dubno, JR, Eckert, MA. (2015).
Cingulo-opercular interactions with auditory cortex activity during speech recognition in noise.
Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Chicago, IL.
Vaden, KI, Kuchinsky, SE, Ahlstrom, JB, Dubno, JR, Eckert, MA. (2014).
Cingulo-opercular network support for word recognition by older adults. International
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Vaden, KI, Kuchinsky, SE, Cute, SL, Ahlstrom, JB, Dubno, JR, Eckert, MA (2013).
Engagement of the cingulo-opercular system enhances future word recognition.
Neurobiology of Language Conference, San Diego, CA.
Vaden, KI, Kuchinsky, SE, Cute, SL, Ahlstrom, JB, Dubno, JR, Eckert, MA (2013).
Cingulo-opercular activity predicts subsequent word recognition.
Fifth Biennial Aging and Speech Communication Conference, Bloomington, IN.
Vaden, KI, Kuchinsky, SE, Cute, SL, Ahlstrom, JB, Dubno, JR, Eckert, MA (2012).
Anterior insula and frontal operculum support word recognition in younger and older adults.
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA.
Vaden, KI, Gebregziabher, M, Kuchinsky, SE, Eckert, MA (2012).
Multiple imputation toolkit for group level fMRI statistics.
13th Annual Frontiers in Neuroscience Research Day: Neurodegenerative Disorders, Seabrook, SC.
Vaden, KI, Kuchinsky, SE, Cute, SL, Ahlstrom, JB, Dubno, JR, Eckert, MA (2011).
An fMRI study of age-related changes in sustained attention and word recognition.
Fourth Biennial Aging and Speech Communication Conference, Bloomington, IN.
Vaden, KI, Keren, NI, Harris, KC, Ahlstrom, JB, Dubno, JR, Eckert, MA (2010).
Sublexical processing in left inferior frontal gyrus depends on word intelligibility.
Neurobiology of Language Conference; Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Vaden, KI, Hickok, G (2009).
Sublexical and lexical processing in temporal and frontal lobes during word recognition.
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
Vaden, KI, Hickok, G (2009).
Adaptation to phonologically similar words in bilateral superior temporal sulci.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Updated: February 19, 2025