Search IPhOD (version 2.0) for specified words
Enter search words into the text field below,
then select the values to output for each word.
Values are selected by clicking the boxes that correspond to
variable names. An explanation of each is listed on the
details page. You can copy and paste
the output from the results page into other programs. If one of the entered
words is not returned in the results, then it was not included in the database. Click
here to choose another online search.Click here for
CMUPD key.
IPhOD version 2.0 contains homographs, so more than one transcription may be returned for one word.
1) Enter words to search for, in the field below:
2) Select desired IPhOD values to output:
SUBTLEXus word frequency measures:
Other output options:
# Syllables,
CMU transcription,
CMU syllable stress transcription.
3) Click submit button to proceed:
Note: IPhOD version 2.0 may include or return multiple transcriptions for one word (homographs).